
Xero Looks Different! A Quick Guide to the New Menu Layout

Paul Sharpe, CPA, CA
November 25, 2018

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Xero has changed the layout to their menus so that we can more easily access the information and modules that are used most. It might take a bit of getting used to, but here is Mark to save the day with a short video on the new layout.

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Sometimes I feel a little bit like Garth, and this morning was one of those times. I logged in to Xero looking to easily find the settings to add a new user to an account, but nothing was in the right place!

New Xero Menu Layout

Xero has changed the layout to their menus so that we can more easily access the information and modules that are used most. It might take a bit of getting used to, but here is Mark to save the day with a short video on the new layout. Sometimes I wish I had a cool accent too!

If you are looking for a bit more detail, Xero has a deeper dive into the new menu layout on their page here.

If you have any specific questions about the new layout or are having trouble finding anything, holler at Mark and he will point you in the right direction!

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Article by
Paul Sharpe, CPA, CA
Originally published
November 25, 2018
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